Lesson 4 - Day 4

Make that change!

When we are stuck in repetitive negative patterns and we decide to start a new habit such as go to the gym, then stop, start a book and don't finish it, begin a detox diet and fail spectacularly the next day etc - that was me!

Doing something different such as meeting someone new, travelling to new places, investing in seminars, watching a movie, even listening to music that moves you, can actually break you free from that rut.

But it will only change when you get out of that COMFORT ZONE!

Make that change!!

Breakthroughs don't happen when you do the same thing every day, talk to the same people, go to the same place to have lunch, and take the same route to work.

If everything stays the same, nothing will change.

Where were you 10 years ago?

Are you still in the same mental space?

Do you want to live the next 40 years of your life exactly the same?

Einstein said doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity!

Listening to your favourite motivational podcast or book won't change your life, only you can instigate change.

You need to change your mindset and your activities and find a purpose for where you are and where you would like to be.

A great motivational speaker once said your mind and your comfort zone is like a plastic bag. When you stretch a plastic bag it will never go back to the same size. Our minds operate the same, when we learn more and expand our capacity it will never return to how it was.

Ben Franklin once said “most people die at 25 but are buried at 75”. People are stuck in ruts and comfort zones. Most people find their comfort zone at 25 and stay there.

They are merely existing – not really living a happy and fulfilled life.

If you don't want to make that change, that’s your choice.

However, if you really want to transform your life, you really need to push yourself, because if you do the same repetitive thing over and over you will get the same results. If you try something different - you will obtain different results!

Ready, set, let’s GO!!!


Do between 1 and 3 different activities today that are outside your routine and comfort zone.Such as travelling to work a different way, eating at a new lunchtime café, or trying a new recipe for dinner.

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